William Shakespeare, born on this day on April 23rd in 1564, knew a thing or two about self-isolating. When an outbreak of the plague in London in 1592 closed theatres for two years, he found the time to pen his epic Richard III, the second longest play of his career. Further periodic closures of theatres during the decade 1603-1613 allowed him to write the likes of Othello, King Lear, Macbeth and The Tempest.
Today his Folios are considered among the most important works of English Literature of the 17th-century. This copy of his Second Folio from 1632 sold for $120,000 in London last year.
William Shakespeare, lahir pada hari ini pada tanggal 23 April tahun 1564, tahu satu atau dua hal tentang pengasingan diri. Ketika wabah wabah di London pada 1592 menutup bioskop selama dua tahun, ia menemukan waktu untuk menulis epiknya Richard III, permainan terpanjang kedua dalam karirnya. Penutupan teater lebih lanjut secara berkala selama dasawarsa 1603-1613 memungkinkannya menulis surat-surat seperti Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, dan The Tempest.
Saat ini, Folio-nya dianggap sebagai karya terpenting Sastra Inggris abad ke-17. Salinan Folio Kedua dari 1632 dijual seharga $ 120.000 di London tahun lalu.